Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie

Reference : 8327975

Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie
Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie
Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie

Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie

Reference : 8327975

Detailled description

Vai sul sito pixelartselfie.com e scegli il formato in base alle scatole che hai a disposizione - 1 scatola corrisponde a 8 tavolette, 2 scatole a 16 tavolette, 3 scatole a 24 tavolotte
Carica la tua foto, stampa le schede guida e sovrapponile alle tavolette
Completo di cornice, tavolette e chiodini in 6 diversi colori
100% made in Italy

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You are currently visiting the page Pixel Art 8 Take a Selfie of the category Early childhood and Pre-school
Have you considered checking out the following categories: Lego, Board games, Puzzle, Bambole & Action Figures, Role-playing Games, Modellismo, Videogames and Controllers, Arts & Crafts, Outdoor Toys and Sports, Educational Games, Plush Toys, Tracks and Vehicles